Sanjay Banerjee


Teaching interests: Managerial accounting (undergraduate, graduate and MBA)

University of Alberta, Canada

ACCTG 523: Accounting Information and Internal Decision Making (MBA), 2018-2023, 2024

This course is an introduction to managerial accounting. It is designed to give MBA students a solid understanding of the basic functions of management accounting within an organization. The course emphasizes the links between accounting information and management activities such as operational decision making, financial planning and control, organizational design, and performance evaluation.

ACCTG 426: Management Control Systems (undergraduate), 2023, 2024 

The course focuses on management’s need for information to plan, control and make decisions with a particular emphasis on strategy, governance and control processes in modern organizations. Topics include control system design and evaluation (including corporate governance and audit), responsibility accounting, budgeting, incentive systems, and performance management.
ACCTG 322: Introduction to Accounting for Management Decision Making (undergraduate), 2012-2018, 2020
This course is an introduction to managerial accounting. It is designed to make business students aware of the roles that accounting plays within organizations. We focus primarily on the informed use of managerial accounting information, rather than on its production. The course emphasizes the links between accounting information and management activities such as strategic and operational decision making, financial planning and control, organizational design, and performance evaluation. We examine how managerial accounting is used within a variety of organizations, including manufacturing, merchandising, and service businesses, as well as public-sector and not-for-profit organizations.
ACCTG 415/615: Intermediate Financial Accounting II (undergraduate), 2021-2022
This course is the second part of Intermediate Financial Accounting. It builds upon materials learned in ACCTG 311 and ACCTG 414/614. We focus primarily on financial accounting concepts and techniques relating to the liabilities and equity side of the balance sheet. Topics include long-term debt, shareholders’ equity, complex financial instruments, accounting for income taxes, leases, pensions, earnings per share, and accounting changes. We discuss both International Financial Reporting Standard and (IFRS) and Accounting Standards for Private Enterprises (ASPE).

University of Minnesota, USA

ACCT 2050: Financial Accounting (undergraduate), 2006, 2008.
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